Since 2005, the electricity supply in Southeast Bulgaria has been privatized by EVN Bulgaria (part of EVN AG - Austria and has invested over EUR 770 million € in the last 15 years to improve the electricity transmission network as the most essential customer service.
Industrial consumers can benefit from the rapid expansion of the liberalized electricity market, purchasing power from registered traders or even directly from power plants. In the case of investments in new buildings there is a simple process of several quick steps to connect to the main electricity network. All these steps take up to 30 days after the application submiffing. New users pay charges for fixed line connection services which is regulated tariff by government. According to City Gas, in the middle of 2020, on the territory of the municipality of Kazanlak, more than 41 km of gas distribution pipelines have been built with over 700 diversions for power supply to industrial, public-administrative and household consumers. With the network and deviations thus constructed, it is possible to supply gas to the entire industrial zone and the public-administrative sites in the municipality. Distribution gas pipelines have been built through the territory of most settlements in the municipality.
The procedure for joining new industrial sites is simplified and fast in order to support business initiatives. It take up to 30 days after the application submitting and is a part of the overall procedure for new construction permission.
The Regional Water Company Stara Zagora Ltd. is responsible for the services in 202 settlements in the Stara Zagora District incl. Kazanlak. Water supply is provided to each settlement in the municipality and the industrial zones. The company has the resources and ability to provide the necessary quantities according to the needs of the investor.
The process for joining new industrial sites to the water supply network is part of the 30-days overall procedure for new construction.The investor or the industrial zone pays all additional costs for the expansion of the network, including new pipes etc.
The process for new users is part of the overall procedure for connecting new constructions to the water supply network. The investor or the industrial zone pays all additional costs for the expansion of the network, including new pipes etc.
According to a Cisco study, Bulgaria ranks 5th in the world and 3rd in Europe in regard of Internet connection speed. Optical and ADSL connectivity are the most popular choices among Bulgarians in terms of internet access. Prices vary depending on the speed and type of contract (individual or corporate clients). Kazanlak has good highspeed 4G coverage. Kazanlak's Internet access is offered by major national operators and several local ISPs as well. The coverage and the speed are very good. The town has good infrastructure for access to fiber optic internet.